Lapis Lazuli Rough

Lapis Lazuli Rough

We are manufacturer ,exporter and wholesaler supplier in lapis lazuli ,gemstone from Afghanistan.Nature gifted a unique present to Afghanistan, That is lapis lazuli gemstone, which are found in mountains of Afghanistan. For the last 6000 years Lapis is being mined out from Badakhshan Afghanistan. Color is Berlin Blue ( Madan-e-char) to light blue ( Madan-e-Panch).

We have lapis in five grades:
AAA Grade – Premium Quality Lapis Dark Blue color with pyrite and without calcite
Size: 5 grams to 1 kg pieces
(Price $200 to $500 per kg)

AA Grade – Fine Quality Lapis Dark Blue color with pyrite and without calcite
Size: 5 grams to 1 kg pieces
(Price $100 to $150 per kg)

A Grade – Best Quality Lapis Dark Blue color with pyrite and some calcite
Size: 50 grams to 5 kg pieces
(Price $65 to $100 per kg)

B Grade – Medium Quality Lapis Blue color with pyrite and some calcite outer and inner
Size: 100 grams to 15 kg pieces
(Price $25 to $50 per kg

C Grade – Low Quality Lapis Blue color with pyrite and a lot of calcite
Size: 500 grams to 50 kg pieces
(Price $5 to $15 per kg)

Product Description::

Please contact us for more information and detail. Available in different sizes and shapes.


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